Google Analytics Courses

Littledata makes free videos on how to plan your setup, configure it, create reports to make sense of your data.

Free Google Analytics videos

Created by our team of experts, Google Analytics courses help you to understand and use the latest version of Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Courses

What will you learn in these courses?

Our team works with top ecommerce brands and merchants, so we know the courses and tips you need to get started with Google Analytics. Some of the things you will learn about:

  • Checkout Behavior Report
  • Sales Performance Report
  • Social Media Report
  • Google Ad Report + Keywords and Queries

Accurate Data in GA4

Accurate data in Google Analytics, automatically

Now that you have learned more about how to use Google Analytics — it's time to set up your tracking. Littledata makes this a seamless process with an easy setup of our Shopify app. Here are a few features merchants rave about:

  • Exact order volumes and Marketing attribution
  • Checkout steps for complete customer journey
  • Product list details & CTR
  • Product variants and multi-currency sales

Looker Studio templates for ecommerce

Littledata has made it easy for you to report on your Google Analytics ecommerce data by using our handy template reports. Get access now and start using to manage your ecommerce store with:

  • Sales Performance Report
  • Source/Medium Report
  • Shopping Behavior Funnel
  • Checkout Behavior Funnel
  • Purchasers Across Channels

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