Accurate revenue in-platform

Littledata Assisted Revenue boosts your marketing and reporting performance

No more guess work

See how Littledata assists the capture of revenue for your business.

Littledata assisted revenue dashboard

How much revenue are you NOT tracking?
What's your annual revenue online?
Which of types of orders do you want to track? Select all that apply.
Recovered web orders
Recurring orders
Draft orders
Other sales channels
You could be missing9% of your revenue data:
Tracked without Littledata
Littledata Assisted Revenue
A LittledataPlusplan would pay for itself17times over, assuming you use this Assisted Revenue to get a 10% boost in marketing efficiency.
Advanced Events

More Revenue Tracked

Using server-side tracking, Littledata can track 100% of your Shopify revenue, with the ability to customize which sales channels are included in a few clicks.

Have more questions? Visit our HelpCenter

What you could be missing

With LittledataBasic Tracking
Total Revenue✔️20% missing on average
Reconciled Web Orders✔️minus
Post-purchase Upsells✔️minus
Reccuring Orders (Subscriptions)✔️minus
Point of Sale (POS)✔️minus
Draft Orders✔️minus
Other Sales Channels✔️minus
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